
Saide Group

Saide Group recognizes that “compliance” means more than observing laws and regulations. A company is a member of society that must live up to the expectations of its stakeholders and act in a socially responsible manner. This is the real meaning of compliance: to ensure that every individual in the company has a strong awareness of responsibilities and to ensure that all activities adhere to high ethical standards. The top management sends a message that defines Saide's stance on compliance: “When you are faced with a choice between integrity and profit, choose integrity without hesitation.”

Saide Group’s mission for a better future is influenced strictly from ethical standards, sustainability and cooperate social responsibility. The objective of the company is to maintain a much better, greener environment and a sustainable supply chain to ensure that our responsibility to our society and our business associates are fulfilled. Saide Group works on various projects to supply our products at the highest ethical and environmental codes making sure that our dedication is not limited with only the environment and ethical compliance but also covers building brighter future generations through scholarships for students and schools.

Looking ahead, we will continue to strengthen compliance and sustainability even further through a range of initiatives.

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